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Not working for an employer is not a life devoid of work. It’s a life of working on different things. It’s a life of investing time and energy into other priorities.

We have a set amount of hours and, as adults, we get the choice to arrange them. We’re so used to having someone arrange them for us that we kinda go into autopilot and let the chips fall where they will.
But God puts certain things under our dominion, and one of those things is time. We are to be good stewards of our time.

Me and running late. My busy life. My full calendar. My messy room. How it reflects a messy mind. How everything feels so half alive when it’s like this.

Time is something we just haphazardly fill— whether it’s to get money or popularity or even good intentions like serving.

Car trash can? Her life is so put together story
It’s the little things that eliminate stress
Now I want to tell you, you can still save stress by making little tiny changes here and there. You do not have to restructure your entire life to get organized. You don’t have to go spend hundreds of dollars at the container store (which I love, by the way). You don’t have to make everything perfect. You just have to start with what you have and do what you can. I’m gonna show you how to do that, because you can bet that my systems aren’t all perfect. You’re not going to make lasting change until you incorporate grace and humanness in the system. I’m going to show you how to do that.



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